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dc.contributor.authorRahil, Mahmoud-
dc.contributor.authorBani-Odeh, Abdelrahman-
dc.contributor.authorBushnaq, Bassmah-
dc.contributor.authorNamoura, Mays-
dc.identifier.citationRahil, M., Bani-Odeh, A., Bushnaq, B., & Namoura, M. (2022). The Impact of Heating Irrigation Water on Growth and Development of Cucumber Plants Cultivated in Winter Season. Palestine Technical University Research Journal, 10(4), 11–24.
dc.description.abstractA field study was conducted inside the green house of Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Tulkarm, Palestine, in February 2018. The main aim of this study was to investigate the season. Cucumber seedlings were cultivated in two rows: one covered with mulch and the other one without mulch. Irrigation water was heated for 30, 35 and 45 oC and applied to the plants during each irrigation event. Tab water without heating (25 oC) was used as control. Soil samples were taken before sowing to analyze the physiochemical properties of the soil at initial conditions. Soil moisture content and microbial activity were monitored during the growing season. Plant length, fruit number per plant, total yield and chlorophyll content was measured during the growing season. The results of soil analysis indicated that the soil was clay texture and the electrical conductivity (1 dS/m) was suitable for cucumber cultivation. The cucumber plants irrigated with irrigation water temperature of (35 oC)produced the highest plant length, yield production and fruit number in both treatments with and without mulch compared to the other irrigation water temperatures. Furthermore, in plants without mulch, heatingirrigation water temperature up to (45 oC) produced the highest chlorophyll content, followed by irrigation water temperature of (35oC). It was found that heating irrigation water enhanced the microbial activity of the soil mainly for the treatment irrigated with water temperature of(45 oC) without mulch. It could be concluded that heating irrigation water up to (35 oC)can improve plant growth and development of cucumber plants as well as increase yield production with major improvements under mulch cultivation.en_US
dc.publisherPalestine Technical University -Kadoorieen_US
dc.subjectWater temperatureen_US
dc.subjectYield productionen_US
dc.subjectChlorophyll contenten_US
dc.subjectSoil moistureen_US
dc.subjectMicrobial activityen_US
dc.titleImpact of Heating Irrigation Water on Growth and Development of Cucumber Plants Cultivated in Winter Seasonen_US
dc.title.alternativeتأثير تسخين مياه الري على نمو وتطور نبات الخيار المزروع في موسم الشتاءen_US
Appears in Collections:2022

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