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Title: Effect of Earnings Management on Dividend Policy and its Reflection on Corporation Market value
Authors: Salem, Ammar
Awwad, Bahaa
Keywords: Earnings Management;;Dividend policy;;Corporation Market Value;;Amman Stock Exchange.
Issue Date: 4-Jun-2019
Publisher: Journal of Economic Sciences, Management and Business Sciences
Citation: Salama Ammar, Awad Bahaa, 2019, Effect of Earnings Management on Dividend Policy and its Reflection on Corporation Market value, Journal of Economic Sciences, Management and Business Sciences, Mohamed Boudiaf University - M’sila, Algeria, Volume 12, Number 1, pp.: 173-190.
Series/Report no.: Volume 12,;1, pp.: 173-190.
Abstract: This study aims at examining the phenomenon of earnings management, and discovering the extent of its use by industrial public shareholding Jordanian companies listed in the Amman Stock Exchange, and its effect on dividend policy and its reflection on the market value during the period from 2012 to 2017, This study was conducted on a sample of (32) industrial shareholding companies.the Study concluded that the Jordanian listed industrial public shareholding companies used earnings management in 44% of the cases during the period under study. The study also found no effect of earnings management on the dividend policy, while the study found a statistically significant effect between the earnings management and market value, as well as earnings management and market value in light of dividend policy
Appears in Collections:Business and Economics Faculty

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