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dc.contributor.authorAlqeeq, Zaid-
dc.identifier.citationAlqeeq, Z. (2024). The Clarity of the Beliefs of the Prevailing Organizational Culture among Public School Principals in Palestine to Implement the Authentic Assessment. Palestine Technical University Research Journal, 12(1), 59–75.
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to identify the clarity of the beliefs of the prevailing organizational culture among public school principals in Palestine to implement the authentic assessment. To achieve this goal, the descriptive approach was used by using the qualitative method, and the data were collected by making interviews to identify the school principals’ perceptions of how to implement the authentic assessment in order to reveal the clarity of the beliefs of the organizational culture that are necessary to implement it. The purposive sample consisted of (12) male and female principals from the Directorates of Education in Jerusalem and Jerusalem suburbs. The results indicated low clarity in the essence of authentic assessment among the school principals who participated in the study in general, poor knowledge of the significant synonyms of authentic assessment)Alternative assessment), poor knowledge of the term performance indicators, in addition to poor knowledge in the portfolio and its relation to authentic assessment. This indicates the low clarity of the beliefs of the prevailing organizational culture among public school principals which are necessary to implement the authentic assessment. Based on the results, the study recommended that teaching authentic assessment be adopted in colleges of education and educational rehabilitation programsen_US
dc.publisherPalestine Technical University -Kadoorieen_US
dc.subjectOrganizational Cultureen_US
dc.subjectAuthentic Assessmenten_US
dc.subjectImplementation of Authentic Assessmenten_US
dc.titleThe Clarity of the Beliefs of the Prevailing Organizational Culture amongPublic School Principals in Palestine to Implement the Authentic Assessmenten_US
dc.title.alternativeوضوح معتقدات الثقافة التنظيمية السائدة لدى مديري المدارس الحكومية في فلسطين واللازمة لتنفيذ التقويم الأصيلen_US
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