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Title: The Mediating Role of Innovative Climate in the Relationship Between the Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and Administrative Innovation in Palestinian Ministry of Education from the point of view of female employees.
Other Titles: الدور الوسيط للمناخ اإلدبدا ي في العالقة ما دبين ال نماط القيادية )التحويلية والتدبادلية( واإلدبدا اإلدار في وزارة التردبية والتعليم الفلسطينية من وجهة نظر الموظفات
Authors: AL-shalabi, Aisha
Keywords: Transformational Leadership;Transactional Leadership;Administrative Innovation;innovative Climate.
Issue Date: 5-Feb-2022
Publisher: Palestine Technical University -Kadoorie
Citation: Alshalabi,A.(2022). The Mediating Role of Innovative Climate in the Relationship Between the Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and Administrative Innovation in Palestinian Ministry of Education from the point of view of female employees. ( Master thesis,Palestine Technical University- Kadoorie). .
Abstract: This study aims at identifying the relationship of leadership patterns (transformational and transactional) and their impact on management innovation through the mediating role of the innovative climate at the headquarters of the Palestinian Ministry of Education. The researcher followed the analytical descriptive approach where the questionnaire was selected as a study tool for achieving the purposes of the study, with the aim of collecting the primary data from the study community that was represented in all of the (263) female staff working at the headquarters of the Palestinian Ministry of Education, using the comprehensive survey method. (124) questionnaires had been handled back, and they were all good for analysis. In addition, interviews were conducted with (6) officials of the ministry in study with a view to obtaining explanations of unexpected results in the quantitative phase, describing differences in the effects of both transformational and transactional leadership. The hypotheses were analyzed and tested using (PLSsmart - 3) through the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). And after the analysis and hypothesis of the study data, the study produced a series of findings, most notably, The level of practice by officials in the Palestinian Ministry of Education of the two patterns of transformational and transactional leadership was medium, while the pattern in both of leadership ranked first in terms of practice and from the point of view of female employees, in addition to the fact that the level of availability of both administrative innovation and the innovative climate within the Palestinian Ministry of Education was also medium. , while the level of availability of administrative innovation was at a higher level than the innovative climate, and the current study confirmed the existence of a positive, statistically significant effect of the two styles of transformational ف leadership and transactional leadership on administrative innovation through the mediating role of the innovative climate. Although it was proven that all the hypotheses are statistically significant, the results indicated that there is a positive, non-statistically significant effect of transactional leadership on administrative innovation. The study also came up with a number of recommendations based on the results of the study, the most important of which is the need to strengthen the practices of the transformational and transactional leadership styles among officials in the Palestinian Ministry of Education until they reach a high level of application, the most important of which are those practices that encourage or reward innovation and present new ideas, in addition to The need to work on spreading the culture of innovation within the Palestinian Ministry of Education and at all administrative levels, to enhance the climate that encourages innovation to reach a high degree of availability, as well as the need for officials in the Palestinian Ministry of Education to focus on finding a common understanding of the objectives of the public ministry by employees and at all administrative levels This can be done through holding periodic meetings or to discuss those goals and the priorities for achieving them.
Appears in Collections:Master Thesis/ Public Administration

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