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Title: The Effect of a Proposed Preventive Exercises to Reduce the exacerbation and Development of aLumbarHerniated Disc in Men from 40-50 Years Old in Baghdad City
Other Titles: تأثير استخدام تمرينات وقائية مقترحة للحد من تفاقم وتطور إصابة الانزلاق الغضروفي القطني لدى الرجال من 40-50 سنة بمدينة بغداد
Authors: Al-samarai, Mohammed
Suleiman, Somaya
Keywords: Preventive exercise;lumbar disc herniation;Sports injuries
Issue Date: 30-Dec-2022
Publisher: Palestine Technical University -Kadoorie
Citation: Al-samarai, M., & Suleiman, S. J. H. . (2022). The Effect of a Proposed Preventive Exercises to Reduce the exacerbation and Development of a Lumbar Herniated Disc in Men from 40-50 Years Old in Baghdad City . Palestine Technical University Research Journal, 10(5), 182–192.
Series/Report no.: 10(5);182–192
Abstract: The study aimed to identify the effect of a proposed preventive exercises to reduce the exacerbation and development of lumbar disc herniation in men from (40-50) years old in the city of Baghdad, and to achieve this, the researchers used the experimental method on a random sample of (10) cases of lumbar disc herniation, a proposed preventive program has been applied for a period of eight weeks, with three preventive units per week, the time of each unit is (45-60) minutes. And I tested the strength of the abdominal and back muscles as a tool to verify the effect of the program. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences for improving the strength of the back muscles in terms of average weights (37.71) kg and an improvement rate (482.7%) in favor of the dimensional measurement, and there were also significant differences for improving the strength of the abdominal muscles in terms of the average number of times (12.9) times and an improvement rate of (636.4) %) in favor of dimensional measurement. The researchers recommended several recommendations, including: the need to pay attention to strengthening the back muscles of the injured, as strengthening the supporting and erect muscles helps not to aggravate the patient's condition, and strengthening the abdominal muscles in order to support the spine, especially the lumbar region.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.53671/pturj.v10i5.287
Appears in Collections:2022

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