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Title: Evaluation of WIEN2K Performance on MPICH2 vs. MPICH1
Authors: Khalilia, Hadi
Nidal, Kafri
Rezek, Mohammad
Keywords: Parallel Processing;Message Passing Interface;MPI;MPICH1;MPICH2;performance;multi-core;systems;WIEN2K
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The emerging multi-core computer architecture attracts the researchers to utilize this architecture as an adequate and inexpensive solution to achieve high performance computation for many problems. Where, the multi-core architecture enables us to implement shared memory and/or message passing parallel processing paradigms. Therefore, we need appropriate standard software libraries in order to utilize the resources efficiently for a given computational problem. In this work we evaluate the performance of two versions of the well known massage passing interface (MPI) library: MPICH1 vs. MPICH2. In our experiments we used two benchmarks. The first one is the WIEN2K application which is based on Density Function Theory, and the second is a Matrix multiplication. The results show that we achieve better performance when MPICH2 is used than MPICH1.
Description: Evaluation of WIEN2K Performance on MPICH2 vs. MPICH1, ISBN:978-0-9891305-6-1 ©2014 SDIWC
ISBN: 978-0-9891305-6-1 ©2014 SDIWC
Appears in Collections:Applied science faculty

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